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Allah & Muhammad (Round Thuluth) – Decal



The religion of Allah is ancient, and His message has been conveyed since the beginning of time. With the passage of prophets — peace be upon them — and time, Allah chose Muhammad as the best of His creation — peace and blessings be upon him — and a most perfect human being to guide humanity until the end of time. This decal set captures just that and illumines the heart with its meaning and its intricate beauty of the interweaving Thuluth script — make it a part of your home and rejoice in Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

This composition was done by Ustadh Mothana, a world-famous calligraphy master. Although the calligraphy is based on classic Ottoman roundels found in many masjids throughout the world, it is unlike any other. Most roundels were meant to be seen from afar so slight defects are hardly noticeable but in our large decal format that people will get up close to we have to make sure every tiny detail was done just right.

So with this artwork we had to do something more than just reproduce previous designs … we had to make a composition far greater than others before …

Before Mothana even started he knew exactly what we were looking for: the greatest calligraphy compositions of these beloved names ever produced in the round Thuluth style. He researched the relative strengths and weaknesses of similar compositions by the greatest calligraphers that ever lived and carefully worked through sketches until he completed one that was beautiful enough for him to put his signature on it. When he delivered the original artwork on handmade paper to us he was beaming with joy at the composition. We then analyzed it at an enlarged size and made some slight adjustments to it with the help of our calligraphy and art production team so that it would be as perfect as possible in the larger sized decal formats.

The end result is this masterpiece set that will sure transform any room you place them in, reminding everyone who enters about who we should love above all others.

Wording: (الله (جلّ جلاله)، محمد (صل الله عليه و سلّم
 Allah (May He be Glorified and Exalted), Muhammad (May Allah bless him and grant him peace).
Transliteration: Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu), Muhammad (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallim).
Artist: Ustadh Mothana Al-Obaidy
Script: Thuluth
Material: Adhesive decal (for flat surfaces only)


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