The religion of Allah is one, and His Messenger is one: Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. His followers are, in all of our diversity, one. As an entire Ummah, our purpose of being on this earth is to worship Allah and follow His religion in both ease and difficulty. Time and again has this Ummah and its determination and faith been tried and time and again has it — in its entirety — found victory through Allah, as He “suffices us and is the best reliance.” Incorporate this paramount Quranic ayat into your life by making it a part of your home, your office, or your regular workspace, and remember the One that suffices us, who is also the best reliance, and who will give us victory in this life and in the next.
Wording: حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Translation: God is sufficient for us; an excellent Guardian is He!
Transliteration: Hasbun Allahu wa Ni’mal Wakeel.
Source: The Holy Quran, 3:173
Artist: Ustadh Riyad Tabbal
Script: Thuluth
Material: Adhesive decal (for flat surfaces only)
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